Committee Member – Advertisement

The Committee of the Pakenham & District Basketball Association (PDBA) is seeking applications from suitably experienced and interested individuals to fill voluntary Committee member positions.  We are seeking candidates whose interests align with the strategic direction of the Association and who will complement the current skill mix of the Committee.

The PDBA is a thriving and growing basketball association centred on the Shire of Cardinia in the outer south eastern suburbs of Melbourne.  The PDBA has experienced strong growth over the last decade with over 3500 participants.  The junior and senior representative programs have also seen rapid growth in size and improvements in results in recent years.  To build on that growth, the PDBA wishes to continue the high level of professionalism in all aspects of the Association’s operations.

The operation of the PDBA is currently not run by paid staff, but rather a network of volunteers within an Association composed of member clubs and stand-alone teams.

The 10 member Committee of the PDBA, comprising of 4 Executive (elected each year for two-year terms) and 6 General members, meet approximately 10 times per year.  The Committee has various standing and ad-hoc sub-committees.  Committee members are expected to attend the Annual General Meeting in October and some basketball events or functions.

Enquiries about the position should be directed to the PDBA President, Alan Lee, at

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